Thursday, April 30, 2009

Fiber Artist

This old gal posed for her photo shoot with pride. She was a quilter in her past, she sewed clothes for her children she made items for her home, but now as she matured she gave herself the freedom to experiment to take time to create beautifully fun art. She is holding her head up high proud of her journey.
This one was really hard to photograph, I think the contrast of face to body made it hard for the camera to get a light sensor. And the angle was off, because she is looking up and has a narrow hip it gave her an odd look. I can learn something new every day.

She stands on a sad iorn fabric in hand as a soldier would on a hill with a flag.

1 comment:

vay said...

I like how she is 'filled' with what she's passionate about - fiber. And the old iron is a perfect base for her.
Thank you for sharing her story with us.