Every now and then I'm going to post MY FAVORITE FIVE list. It could be any number of things but will always be headed MY FAVORITE FIVE so it will be easy to find. To start the tradition, I will list my favorite five altered object components. I also will try to accomany the list with photos. My hope is that the list will let you see what tools, books, and ideas I have so you can try them in some of your art or it will give you an idea of what you see in my art.
1. Assorted balls of various shapes and sizes
2. Tins the older the better
3. Spindles and spools
4. Antique type writer parts
5. Found objects from nature
Tory,these are beautiful!
Thanks Rob I wish I had your photo talent.
Those are some of my very favorite things, too! What a great idea - I love reading about the favorites of other artists.
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