Thursday, April 16, 2009

Art Date

Vitruvian Man 1490

Studies for the Trivulzio monument 1508-1511

Studies of the flowers 1481-1483

Anatomical studies 1509/10

Da Vinci – The Genius
Did you ever wonder why The Mona Lisa has no eyelashes or eyebrows? Or what color the paint was way back then? Did anyone ever try to hurt her? All these questions are answered at the exhibit along with some cool models of Leonardo’s inventions. They show a few videos and have some books about him in the OMSI gift store. The exhibit is only here till May 3rd so if you have the time it makes for a great art date. OMSI (Oregon Museum 0f Science and Industry) 1945 S.E. Water Ave. Portland. WWW.OMSI.EDU

As a well-spent day brings happy sleep, so a life well spent brings happy death.
Leonardo de Vinci

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