Thursday, February 17, 2011

Little Tins

I have been collecting small tins for several years mostly because I just like them. I used a few as hats on my little story people and now I’m playing around with them as jewelry. I have paid $5.00 for a few of them but the majority were only 1 or 2 dollars.
This poor little fellow is a bit of a hypochondriac.
He should be safe with his menthol hat and band-aid body.
It's fun when you have a collection to choose from.
This first necklace was made with one of my favorite tins that use to hold 200 English gramophone needles. The old leather watch now has a tin type of a young boy instead of a crystal and the chain is made up from a mix of vintage necklace chains.
This one is an old tobacco tin and the domino's are vintage Drueke bakelite. As you can see they have the most wonderful warm color to them. I attached the domino's to the tin and the chain with the eye part of a hook & eye. The chain is plain black and small, you don't have to be overly bold to wear this one.


Suzanne Reynolds said...

Love your necklaces, Tory, very clever use of the tins and other vintage goodies.

Leigh said...

These are so charming. Can't wait to see more

Curious Works said...

Cool necklace Tory. Whats the tag from that's hanging off the bottom? Love the peeling hand too :)

lynda Howells said...

LOVE them all Toryxxlynda

Dayna Collins said...

Once again, you've created yet another original, creative, form of art. Such fun to see how you take a pile of divine vintage junk and treasures and transform it into a beautiful creation.