Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Hi I’m still here.

 Boy it has been a time between posts but not between doing art and getting out on a few art dates. I have been to my nieces wedding and a family reunion. I had a week in the beautiful coastal hills at Sitka and two camping trips. Here are a few photos from my time working near Sitka. I was a guest of Dayna's, she was taking a painting class and offered some peace and quiet. I jumped on it. Follow this link to see her work.
 Assemblage skeleton for Guardino Galleries “Day of the Dead” show

 Beatrice Beale bird watcher.     SOLD

 In her bird watching disguise

Colonel Mustard retired.
The Colonel  would love to have lunch but Beatrice only has eyes for the birds.
 I also watch for birds…this is a Wilsons Warbler that was just feet from the cabin.

More soon, my injuries physically and mentally are almost all healed I feel strong and am looking forward to the fall season of gallery shows and classes, but most of all doing art with my friends. Thanks for reading.